2016年3月29日 星期二


本日行程: 清晨觀日出獅子國,黃昏賞日落印度洋 … 

車上合唱指定曲:  Why does the sun go on rising? Why does the sea rush to shore? 
Don’t they know 旅行斯里蘭卡如果想要南北縱覽,山水兼得;一個 UNESCO 不能少,兩個國家公園都要到;外加茶園、香料園和路邊即興鳥園 沒有個12天或2個禮拜,就肯定會3天拉車5小時,2天拉車8小時,至少有1天得坐在車裡10小時以上 …  

Don’t they know? It’s not the end of the world but … 斯里蘭卡面積雖只有66千多平方公里,不過是台灣的兩倍;但實地上路時,無論從其公路條件,山路速限和突發路況來看,斯里蘭卡可要比台灣大上5-6倍。 

老蘇沒講嗎? 朝辭白帝彩雲間, 千里江陵一日眩? But why does the sun go on rising? 只因人算不如天算,水仙不開輸大蒜! 一趟原本佛祖佑,天氣佳;月色滿,猴子花的行程,就栽在一頓沒訂好的飯 …Why does the sun go on rising? Why does the sea rush to shore?  


Dear XXX, 

As you probably have heard about it, but on behalf of the clients, I still need to write this letter of complaint as a reminder to both of us for our future cooperation. 

On Mar. 25, upon arrival at restaurant XXX for lunch at noon, I was surprised to learn that there had never been any reservation from your agency (for our group), and to make things worse, there WAS a confirmation of lunch reservation for a French group! 

Attached you can find the booking record of restaurant XXX on Mar. 25, 2016 - Not a single word of of booking from your XXX agency!  

What was most unpleasant (not to say humiliating) for our clients and very embarrassing for me was that we were obliged to wait and to see the arrival of the French group, then wait for them to finish their lunch first till 13:30 for our turn – that was more than 1 hour of waiting time!
Our guide (XXX)’s excuse for not confirming the booking the day before was that he did not have the office phone of the restaurant, which I found ridiculous. 

You might not be able to imagine how one mistake could ruin the good impression of the whole trip when things like this kind happened! Blablabla … and  

why does the sun go on rising? Why does the sea rush to shore?

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