了不起哩! 真的上下左右加上橫豎歪斜地幹起來,咱的本業也還得管到一件行李沒送達,兩個房間不一樣,三個司機不識路,四條路口全塞車;外加五人不吃牛,六牛不吃羊;再來個七月做風颱,八月爆火山,九月機位搞不定,十月沒錢付定金……還什麼本業不本業,咱們這行啊,還是管那足以著書立說的副業就好!
五月到南法鄉下,沒能即時幫好友 Michel
Truchant 譯出一口好菜,讓六道菜中兩道
(我認為)最精采的 Mousseline de poissons
sauvages, coulis de homard, Vinaigrette de Saumon bio (蝦汁/有機鮭魚醋底 - 野溪魚慕斯) 和 Roquefort aux poire(鮮梨/乾果/麵包屑攪 Roquefort 藍乳酪糕),竟多整盤退回! 他搞不懂,我呢?
2 意見:
my taste bud speaks louder than words!! no bother about translation; little does it give spice to fine cooking!!and no such thing-giving the food up without even a bite-would ever happen to me, especially when i'm confined home when everyone is ready for vacation!!(sighhhhhhhh)
Hi, Hi, Salut et toast to your Sante! We'll shall test your taste (without translation) soon again!